( PaymentMethodRegistry $payment_method_registry ) { $payment_method_registry->register( Package::container()->get( Cheque::class ) ); $payment_method_registry->register( Package::container()->get( PayPal::class ) ); $payment_method_registry->register( Package::container()->get( BankTransfer::class ) ); $payment_method_registry->register( Package::container()->get( CashOnDelivery::class ) ); } /** * Verify all dependencies of registered payment methods have been registered. * If not, remove that payment method script from the list of dependencies * of Cart and Checkout block scripts so it doesn't break the blocks and show * an error in the admin. */ public function verify_payment_methods_dependencies() { // Check that the wc-blocks script is registered before continuing. Some extensions may cause this function to run // before the payment method scripts' dependencies are registered. if ( ! wp_script_is( 'wc-blocks', 'registered' ) ) { return; } $wp_scripts = wp_scripts(); $payment_method_scripts = $this->payment_method_registry->get_all_active_payment_method_script_dependencies(); foreach ( $payment_method_scripts as $payment_method_script ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $payment_method_script, $wp_scripts->registered ) || ! property_exists( $wp_scripts->registered[ $payment_method_script ], 'deps' ) ) { continue; } $deps = $wp_scripts->registered[ $payment_method_script ]->deps; foreach ( $deps as $dep ) { if ( ! wp_script_is( $dep, 'registered' ) ) { $error_handle = $dep . '-dependency-error'; $error_message = sprintf( 'Payment gateway with handle \'%1$s\' has been deactivated in Cart and Checkout blocks because its dependency \'%2$s\' is not registered. Read the docs about registering assets for payment methods: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/blob/060f63c04f0f34f645200b5d4da9212125c49177/docs/third-party-developers/extensibility/checkout-payment-methods/payment-method-integration.md#registering-assets', esc_html( $payment_method_script ), esc_html( $dep ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_error_log error_log( $error_message ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters.NotInFooter,WordPress.WP.EnqueuedResourceParameters.MissingVersion wp_register_script( $error_handle, '' ); wp_enqueue_script( $error_handle ); wp_add_inline_script( $error_handle, sprintf( 'console.error( "%s" );', $error_message ) ); $cart_checkout_scripts = [ 'wc-cart-block', 'wc-cart-block-frontend', 'wc-checkout-block', 'wc-checkout-block-frontend' ]; foreach ( $cart_checkout_scripts as $script_handle ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $script_handle, $wp_scripts->registered ) || ! property_exists( $wp_scripts->registered[ $script_handle ], 'deps' ) ) { continue; } // Remove payment method script from dependencies. $wp_scripts->registered[ $script_handle ]->deps = array_diff( $wp_scripts->registered[ $script_handle ]->deps, [ $payment_method_script ] ); } } } } } }